How to Expertly Colour Match Hair Extensions
SHOP ALLPerfectly matching your Hair Extensions to your hair colour can be a tricky business if your new to extensions or if you are using photos as a reference. At Cliphair, we have over 60 shades to choose from, but how can you know which one is right for you?
Well, of course, the best way to find your true match is to have this done in person using a sample or colour ring to compare. However, if you are purchasing your Hair Extensions from an online retailor a physical consultation isn’t usually an option.
Fear not! Face to Face consultations are not the only way to find your perfect colour match, We have listed tons of Pro tips for choosing colours that not only match your hair but that will enhance the colour that you already have too!
So, whether you’re a Hair Stylist that would like some more guidance in colour matching your clients or a customer who would like some advice in choosing your shade yourself, you will find what you need right here in this blog.
At Cliphair, we also have a FREE Colour match & Advice service run by hair experts that are always on hand to help with your Hair Extension needs!
Where do i start?
First of all, its important to bare in mind that different brands will have different names and number codes for their shades. An "Ash blonde" or a "5" from one companies colour chart will not always be the same as another's. This is why its so important to Colour match before purchasing your hair especially when using a new retailor. There are 4 ways you can expertly colour match your hair to your extensions, these are:
No1. Using a Colour Ring
No2. Using an online Colour Match Service
No3. Using photos to compare
No4. Using a sample or hair Snippet
We will explore each of these options below and give a guide of how to use all of them confidently.
We have also put together a guide for professional Extensions to choose the correct colours for rings, threads and all other professional items that need to be colour matched!
But first, lets start with the hair....
How to use a Colour Ring

Using a Colour ring to find the correct shade is the most accurate way to colour match hair extensions. The colour swatches on the ring will be exactly the same as the product you will receive.
Always match the colour to the mid lengths and ends of the hair. This is especially important in recent times as Balayage and Ombre styles are so popular. If the hair extensions are darker than the ends of the hair there will be a band creating a noticeable line where the real hair ends and hair extensions start, which we can all agree is not a good look!
Make sure you physically hold the swatches against the lengths of the hair to compare the colours, when you find a colour that blends well it should be tricky to see which is the real hair and which is the swatch.
Most Colour Rings will not include mixed shades but will have the single colours that are used to create them. If you or your client have a few tones/highlights on the mid-length to ends of the hair match to each shade. Providing the mixed shade on the hair is a natural shade combination you should be able to find this using the numbers you have matched on the ring.
For Example, using the Cliphair colour chart. The customer in the image below has highlights. She has parts that match to #60 Lightest Blonde but also lowlights that match to #SilverSand, using both of these shades you can find a Mixed shade that includes both in the colour collection called #60/SS BlondeMe which is a perfect match!

After a physical Consultation, the next best way to find your perfect shade is to use an online colour matching service. All quality online hair extension retailors should provide this service and it is well worth the time as the experts can give you tons of advice not just related to colour matching.
Each brand will have a different set of requests that they ask for to asses your hair colour online and provide your shade suggestion. Here at Cliphair we ask for the following to allow us to give the best possible match for you from our collection....
- Send at least 3 clear photos of your hair
- Show your hair down from the roots to the ends (the ends are the most important part to show)
- Make sure your hair is clean, dry and smooth if possible
- Send at least 1 photo of your hair from the back
- Make sure you are in a light room, dark photos can be hard to analyse.

- Don't use a flash. This can make your hair look lighter than it is.
- Don't use filters. We know its tempting guys, but we can promise you the hair expert on the other side is not fussed about how clear your skin looks! Filters can completely change the tone of your hair so please steer clear of these when sending photos for a colour match.
- Don't send photos taken in direct sunlight. Again, the sun can make the hair look a lot lighter/redder than it is.

How to use website photos
Most retailors will have a online portfolio of all of their colour shades. If you do not have the time to do a online or physical consultation this is also a great way of choosing a colour that works for you. The only downfall of this method is that images can sometimes differ slightly from real life, tones can also vary due to the style of the product.
If the product you are after is a pre-styled curly or wavy hair extension its useful to remember that when hair has been curled it looks a little darker. For all the Blonde Bombshells out there, you will know that your hair can look much brighter when it is dead straight rather than curly. So, bare this in mind when choosing your colour in pre-styled sets, you may want to go for a shade slightly lighter than normal.
Reading the descriptions of colours can also massively help you analyse the tones of this colour. For example, if your hair is a bright, very cool blonde shade you will want to avoid anything that describes the hair as golden or warm. We've broken down some common technical colour terms into easier to understand colours which should help you choose your shade.
Ashy - greyish and very mousey
Warm - Red and Golden
Golden - Warm, yellow or honey undertones
Neutral - No tone. Pure colours like a flat brown
You can use the button below to browse our 60 shades, using the descriptions and photos to help you chose! Remember to focus on the ends of your hair and the overall tone. If you cant find a perfect match its always better to go for a shade that's lighter, this will give you a gorgeous Balayage effect!

How to use a sample or hair snippet to match
Most companies will allow you to send in a sample or a hair snippet for their team to colour match your hair. This can be in the form of an old hair extension that you love the colour of or a small snippet of your own hair.
To take a sample of your own, simply separate your hair horizontally from ear to ear and pin or tie the top part up out of the way.
In the centre of that separation, take a 1" wide piece of hair and twist it vertically. Starting 3" up from the ends carefully cut a snippet from the hair aiming this scissors downwards.
Twisting the hair before cutting will give the strand left in your hair a layered appearance meaning it will blend easily with your hair. Choosing the hair from this section will also mean it will not be visible around the hairline when its up or when the hair is down.
You can also use this snippet method to test dyes on your hair before applying all-over!
If you would like us at Cliphair to match your sample or hair snippet, please use the address on the link below.

Matching Rings in Permanent hair extensions...

When choosing the rings to apply your individual hair extensions things work a little differently. With the actual hair colour the ends are where you need to match to, with the rings you want to match these to the shade of the root.
Imagine the hair is light on the ends but dark on the roots, similar to an Ombre or Balayage. The rings will need to match the root area, if you have light blonde rings to match the blonde ends applied to dark roots they will be very noticeable when the hair separates.
Now that you’re a pro at Colour matching your hair extensions why not have a browse through our colour collection here at Cliphair, we've got a wide range of lengths and over 60 shades to choose from including our New Balayage colours!
We've also got all the accessories and haircare products you need to apply and maintain them here. Whatever your after you will find it in our selection, and remember if you need any help choosing the right ones for you feel free to ask an expert and use our FREE Colour Match and Advice service by clicking the button below!
Stay tuned for next weeks technical blog:
How to Choose the right Balayage style for you
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